Carlmont Performing Arts Center
About this facility
Main and Studio Theatre - Basic rate
Mon - Thu $160.00 per hour
Fri - Sun $225.00 per hour
4 Hours Minimum
Site Survey (Tour): A free 15-minute site survey may be scheduled to first time renters. Any additional time in the building will be added to your rental, at the hourly rental rate.
Facility: Stage/Theatre floor plans are available upon request. When school is in session, entry shall be no earlier than 4:00pm. Ticket office, Green Room, Two Dressing Rooms and Make Up Room, lobby, men’s and women’s bathrooms are shared spaces between the Mainstage and the Studio Theatre.
Main Theatre: seating capacity of 496, stage, orchestra pit, loading dock, and parking.
Studio Theatre: seating capacity of 79, stage, and parking.
Payment: A non-refundable deposit of 25% and Certificate of Insurance with endorsement (see last page) will be due with application to confirm the booking. Final payment, additional equipment costs, and the damage deposit will be due 30 days prior to entry. If you should need additional equipment, you will be billed at a later date. If your event should be canceled without a thirty (30) day written notice, you may be held liable for all charges per District policy. Any date changes (after application acceptance) will be charged an additional $50 per change. Any renters exceeding eight (8) hours per day will be charged an additional fee per hour. (Please see basic rate fee above)
Video Monitor: The facility is equipped with a closed circuit monitoring system from the Mainstage to most rooms in the PAC.
Scenery: There is no scene shop available at this venue. Scenery must be built and painted prior to arrival. Scenery may be assembled on the stages.
Mainstage: (Lineset schedule is available upon request.) 26 Linesets on a Single Purchase Counterweight Fly System.
**Please note that, for safety reasons, only people who have been authorized by the Theatre Manager PRIOR TO ARRIVING AT THE VENUE may operate the fly system. Also, note maximum weight limit of scenery battens is 1,000 lbs.**
Studio Theatre: Pipe grid. There is no counterweight system in this space. Access to the Grid can only be made using ladders or a personnel lift.
Lighting: (House repertory plots are available for both theatres upon request. Additional equipment list is attached.)
Mainstage: 4 electric sets, 6 box booms, 2 catwalks.
Studio Theatre: There are no additional lighting positions in this space beyond the pipe grid.
Concessions: Please note that Carlmont Technical Theatre Association will sell all concessions during performances. Outside groups may sell CDs, DVDs, t-shirts, and other merchandise. Please see Theatre Manager for exceptions for non-profit groups.
Additional Theatre Technicians: Any theatre technicians required in addition to the Carlmont PAC Theatre Manager must be from our approved list of technicians or approved by the Theatre Manager at least 30 days prior to the event.
Additional Equipment: Please see CPAC equipment chart for additional equipment and charges.
Other Important Information:
- Do not adhere anything to the walls, doors, windows or other parts of the building. Cork boards are mounted in the building for your use.
- Use gaffers or appropriate stage tape only, on or around the stage area (including floor). Absolutely no duct tape, scotch tape, screws or other unauthorized fasteners should come in contact with any part of the theatre.
- Any modification or construction to alter school property is strictly prohibited.
- Do not sell or offer tickets or guarantee of admission to any event at CPAC unless your contract and event have been confirmed by the Theatre Manager. Violation may result in termination of your event and future bookings.
- Absolutely no alcohol, drugs, or tobacco are allowed on the school campus. Open flames and pyrotechnics are strictly prohibited.
- No food or drink is allowed anywhere in the theatre, except in Lobby and Green Room. No gum is allowed anywhere in the building. Renters shall supply their own Ushers at all entrances for this purpose. You will be billed for any additional cleaning.
- All children must be supervised when using the theatre. For minors under the age of 18 years old, the Client will provide at least one chaperone for every 10 minors. No backpacks are allowed in the theater.
- The renter will not leave the theatre until the Theatre Manager has done a thorough check of all theatre spaces. All theatre spaces shall be left exactly as or better than they were found at the beginning of the rental period.
- Only authorized personnel shall use the orchestra lift, lighting, and sound systems.
- Only authorized personnel shall be in the control room and the upstairs area including the catwalk.
- Renters will be responsible for all technical functions of their show. If technical or backstage help is needed, CPAC has a list of professionals that you may contract for your event.
- CPAC will make an attempt to accommodate riders, but under no circumstances will riders be required for bookings.
- Renters of the theatre shall supply their own color (gels) for lighting, their own gobo’s, their own paper for ticketing, their own sets, their own gaffers and spike tape, tools, extension cords, and power strips. You will be billed for using any of the theatre’s supplies.
- Absolutely no equipment shall leave the building. Wireless microphones will be collected after each use.
- After strike, it is your responsibility to return the stage, sound, and lighting to its normal/original (repertory plot) operation.
- All equipment should be handled in appropriate ways. Use of smoke/hazer machines should be for stage use only, and must be approved at least 30 days prior to the event. Ask Theatre Manager for limitations.
- All stage weapons or props must be approved by the Theatre Manager at least 30 days prior to the event. Belmont PD and School Administration will be notified. This includes, but is not limited to, prop guns, swords, and daggers.
- Any missing equipment or damage occurring from abuse, misuse, or inadequate supervision will be the renter’s responsibility to replace.
- All building, fire, OSHA, ADA, and other safety guidelines and laws will be strictly enforced.
Main and Studio Theatre - Basic rate
Mon - Thu $160.00 per hour
Fri - Sun $225.00 per hour
4 Hours Minimum
Site Survey (Tour): A free 15-minute site survey may be scheduled to first time renters. Any additional time in the building will be added to your rental, at the hourly rental rate.
Facility: Stage/Theatre floor plans are available upon request. When school is in session, entry shall be no earlier than 4:00pm. Ticket office, Green Room, Two Dressing Rooms and Make Up Room, lobby, men’s and women’s bathrooms are shared spaces between the Mainstage and the Studio Theatre.
Main Theatre: seating capacity of 496, stage, orchestra pit, loading dock, and parking.
Studio Theatre: seating capacity of 79, stage, and parking.
Payment: A non-refundable deposit of 25% and Certificate of Insurance with endorsement (see last page) will be due with application to confirm the booking. Final payment, additional equipment costs, and the damage deposit will be due 30 days prior to entry. If you should need additional equipment, you will be billed at a later date. If your event should be canceled without a thirty (30) day written notice, you may be held liable for all charges per District policy. Any date changes (after application acceptance) will be charged an additional $50 per change. Any renters exceeding eight (8) hours per day will be charged an additional fee per hour. (Please see basic rate fee above)
Video Monitor: The facility is equipped with a closed circuit monitoring system from the Mainstage to most rooms in the PAC.
Scenery: There is no scene shop available at this venue. Scenery must be built and painted prior to arrival. Scenery may be assembled on the stages.
Mainstage: (Lineset schedule is available upon request.) 26 Linesets on a Single Purchase Counterweight Fly System.
**Please note that, for safety reasons, only people who have been authorized by the Theatre Manager PRIOR TO ARRIVING AT THE VENUE may operate the fly system. Also, note maximum weight limit of scenery battens is 1,000 lbs.**
Studio Theatre: Pipe grid. There is no counterweight system in this space. Access to the Grid can only be made using ladders or a personnel lift.
Lighting: (House repertory plots are available for both theatres upon request. Additional equipment list is attached.)
Mainstage: 4 electric sets, 6 box booms, 2 catwalks.
Studio Theatre: There are no additional lighting positions in this space beyond the pipe grid.
Concessions: Please note that Carlmont Technical Theatre Association will sell all concessions during performances. Outside groups may sell CDs, DVDs, t-shirts, and other merchandise. Please see Theatre Manager for exceptions for non-profit groups.
Additional Theatre Technicians: Any theatre technicians required in addition to the Carlmont PAC Theatre Manager must be from our approved list of technicians or approved by the Theatre Manager at least 30 days prior to the event.
Additional Equipment: Please see CPAC equipment chart for additional equipment and charges.
Other Important Information:
- Do not adhere anything to the walls, doors, windows or other parts of the building. Cork boards are mounted in the building for your use.
- Use gaffers or appropriate stage tape only, on or around the stage area (including floor). Absolutely no duct tape, scotch tape, screws or other unauthorized fasteners should come in contact with any part of the theatre.
- Any modification or construction to alter school property is strictly prohibited.
- Do not sell or offer tickets or guarantee of admission to any event at CPAC unless your contract and event have been confirmed by the Theatre Manager. Violation may result in termination of your event and future bookings.
- Absolutely no alcohol, drugs, or tobacco are allowed on the school campus. Open flames and pyrotechnics are strictly prohibited.
- No food or drink is allowed anywhere in the theatre, except in Lobby and Green Room. No gum is allowed anywhere in the building. Renters shall supply their own Ushers at all entrances for this purpose. You will be billed for any additional cleaning.
- All children must be supervised when using the theatre. For minors under the age of 18 years old, the Client will provide at least one chaperone for every 10 minors. No backpacks are allowed in the theater.
- The renter will not leave the theatre until the Theatre Manager has done a thorough check of all theatre spaces. All theatre spaces shall be left exactly as or better than they were found at the beginning of the rental period.
- Only authorized personnel shall use the orchestra lift, lighting, and sound systems.
- Only authorized personnel shall be in the control room and the upstairs area including the catwalk.
- Renters will be responsible for all technical functions of their show. If technical or backstage help is needed, CPAC has a list of professionals that you may contract for your event.
- CPAC will make an attempt to accommodate riders, but under no circumstances will riders be required for bookings.
- Renters of the theatre shall supply their own color (gels) for lighting, their own gobo’s, their own paper for ticketing, their own sets, their own gaffers and spike tape, tools, extension cords, and power strips. You will be billed for using any of the theatre’s supplies.
- Absolutely no equipment shall leave the building. Wireless microphones will be collected after each use.
- After strike, it is your responsibility to return the stage, sound, and lighting to its normal/original (repertory plot) operation.
- All equipment should be handled in appropriate ways. Use of smoke/hazer machines should be for stage use only, and must be approved at least 30 days prior to the event. Ask Theatre Manager for limitations.
- All stage weapons or props must be approved by the Theatre Manager at least 30 days prior to the event. Belmont PD and School Administration will be notified. This includes, but is not limited to, prop guns, swords, and daggers.
- Any missing equipment or damage occurring from abuse, misuse, or inadequate supervision will be the renter’s responsibility to replace.
- All building, fire, OSHA, ADA, and other safety guidelines and laws will be strictly enforced.
Offered with the facility
- AC
- Heat
- Permanent Stage
- Whiteboard
- Parking
- Handicap Access
- Mic & Speaker
- Projector with Screen
- Sound System
CHS - Additional Video Monitor - 20" Screen on Cart (Max 2) • CHS - Box Office • CHS - Marquee Use (Only When Available) • CHS - Choral Risers (3 Step without Railing) (Max 8) • CHS - Chairs for Lobby (Max 20) • CHS - Clear Com Communication System Stations (Max 8) • CHS - Clear Com Wireless FreeSpeak II Stations (Max 4) • CHS - Conductor’s Podium • CHS - Eiki LC-X7 9,000 Lumen Matrix LCD Projector w/Screen • CHS - ETC ION Remote Focusing Unit • CHS - Handheld Microphones - Audix OM2, OM3, Shure SM58 (Max 20) • CHS - Lectern • CHS - Lycian Midget Follow Spot (Max 2) • CHS - Marley Flooring (6 Rolls) • CHS - Martin Mac Viper Profile 26,000 Lumen Moving Lights (Max: Quantity 2/ Hours 4) • CHS - Microphone Stands (Max 12) • CHS - Music Stands - more than 25 • CHS - Orchestra Pit • CHS - Orchestra Risers (with Railing) (Max 12) • CHS - Orchestra Shell - Wenger Diva Shell • CHS - Overhead Microphones - Beyer MCE 530 (Max 5) • CHS - Padded Musician's Chairs - more than 25 • CHS - Panasonic DMR-EZ48V VHS/DVD Player/Recorder • CHS - Stage Front Microphones - Beyer Opus 53 (Max 5) • CHS - Wireless Handheld Microphones - Shure UXLP (Max2) • CHS - Wireless Lavalier Microphones - Shure ULXP (Max 16) • CHS - Tables for Lobby (Max 6) • CHS - 5' Steinway Grand • CHS - ETC ION Control Board • CHS - HHB CDR-882 Professional Dual Drive CD Recorder • CHS - Numark CDN35 Professional Dual Drive CD Player • CHS - Midas Pro2 96K 64 Channel Digital Audio Console • CHS - ATEM Television Studio Pro HD Production Switcher (w/ 2 cameras)
*Some services may be required for a reservation and others may not be available for a given configuration
Custodial PAC • CHS - PAC Student Tech • House Manager
Possible uses
Class • Seminar • Workshop
Concert • Recital • Performance
Congregation Meeting • Religious Ceremony • Religious Meeting
Corporate Event • Other (meeting, class, etc.)
Fitness • Exercise Class
Cheerleading • Dance